We're building independent, nonprofit media funded entirely by readers, not ads or corporate money. Become a member and support our public-interest journalism.

  • Premium daily newsletter including exclusive "member's corner"
  • Commenting privileges
  • Members-only issues of Class Struggle, our economic analysis newsletter
  • Access to our entire archive of online courses
  • Support progressive, independent non-profit journalism
  • Risk free. Cancel anytime. 100% Refund Policy.











  • Everything in the previous tier
  • Give a little more to help us build a strong alternative to the corporate press
  • Quarterly impact report from our team and sneak peeks of our upcoming work
  • Bi-annual conference call with our editorial team
  • Early access to any new membership perks
  • Risk free. Cancel anytime. 100% Refund Policy.
  • Everything in the previous tiers
  • A free gift membership that you can give to your friends or family
  • Allows us to offer discounted memberships to readers who can't afford full price
  • A surprise yearly gift shipped to your home
  • Means we can publish atleast one more freelance article per year
  • Risk free. Cancel anytime. 100% Refund Policy.



On a fixed income or experiencing financial hardship? We have a limited number of subsidized memberships available exclusively for you. Reach out to us at hello@readthemaple.com so we can work together to accommodate your needs.

Here's why 3,500 plus members support our non-profit journalism - join them.

"The Maple gets to the nitty gritty of political issues, making it so much easier for the average reader to see through the clouds of rhetoric from political figures."


Vicky, Maple Subscriber

Michael, Maple Subscriber

"Excellent progressive journalism of the sort corporatist media actively suppress."


"I have been waiting over 50 years for periodicals and journalists to tell truth to power. Here you are at last. Thank you."


Marjorie, Maple Subscriber

"Great story by Alex Cosh and the team at The Maple on how the convoy protest in Ottawa robbed thousands of workers of time and money."

Jim Stanford,


"Count on The Maple to cover critical issues of tax fairness. Hats off to you guys."

Canadians for Tax Fairness,

Non-profit group

"Want more news closer to home? The Maple provides just that - well written and fact checked. A must read to start your day."


Suzanne, Maple Subscriber


Where does my contribution go? How do you spend membership revenues?

As a non-profit, every dollar of revenue goes towards funding our journalism. When you purchase a membership, you're directly paying for staff writers, freelancers, freedom of information requests, social media infographics, and more. We do not make or seek to make a profit - any excess revenue is reinvested into growing our publication. For a comprehensive breakdown of our revenues, expenses, and finances, look at our yearly Transparency Reports.

Is my donation or membership tax-deductible?

Unfortunately, while we are a non-profit organization, we do not yet have the necessary accreditations to be eligible for tax credits. It is something we are working on and hope to achieve for the benefit of our members.

Why should I support you? What makes you different?

Instead of singing our own praise, we'll tell you why others choose to support us. Here are the three main reasons our members cite for supporting us:

1. "You report on issues that other media doesn't."
Unfortunately, there are some topics that Canada's establishment media leaves untouched. Whether it's politicians connections to big business, how corporate greed drives everyday problems, or reporting on Canada's role in global conflicts and international exploitation. We're not afraid to tell these stories.

2. "You don't take corporate or outside funding, so I trust your independence." Most independent media publications use this selling point. But when we say we're 100% reader-funded, we mean just that. We do not get a single cent from any outside source. Nada. Nilch. No investor to dictate us. No corporate advertisers to sway our coverage. No government funding. No unions or think tanks or outside groups funding us. Just thousands of readers chipping in to make our journalism possible.

As a result, we have an unparalleled level of editorial independence.

3. "You provide critical perspectives that challenge my thinking." Look. You might not agree with everything you read on our website. And most of our readers don't! We're not here to be an echo chamber. We want to look at things from new angles, provide analyses you haven't heard before, and be a platform for ideas that don't get airtime anywhere else.

How do renewals of memberships work?

Memberships renew automatically. You can cancel your membership at any time in your account page. If at any time your membership renews and you didn't intend to keep paying, shoot us an email and we can give you a refund. We value our readers' support and don't want you to be paying for anything you don't want.

I have a different question. Where do I get answers?

We've got a longer, more comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions page you can check out. If you still can't find an answer to your question, email us at hello@readthemaple.com and our Support team can assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions